I am always happy to discuss my Double Basses, bows and other equipment with you. If you see me at a performance, please say hi!
I am fortunate to play with some incredible locally made equipment. Part of my ethos is to support local music craftspeople, but also it is a privilege to be able to discuss and learn about my instrument with them. As I'm sure many musicians can relate, choosing my Double Bass was a very personal endeavour.
As of 2018, my primary instrument is an Atelier Benedict G. Puglisi "Da Salo" Double Bass made in 2015, here in Melbourne. "Gasparo Da Saló (1542 to 1609), one of the greatest makers and possibly originator of the contrabbasso, is the inspiration Benedict has used to combine a number of his instruments and create this classic, powerful sounding model with a contemporary feel. The back, sides and scroll are all made from the same block of fine, slab cut, stunning Italian Maple. Combined with a wonderful Spruce top from the Swiss Alps and fitted with indigenous Australian Eucalyptus. Benedicts attention to detail makes for a truly unique interpretation of this enduring and timeless model". I am extremely fortunate to play such a beautiful instrument.
My first Double Bass was also from Atelier Puglisi (a Romanian Gliga circa 2011). With an outstanding range of instruments and a wealth of knowledge, Atelier Puglisi has always been integral to my craft. They are considered one of Australia's premier centres for stringed instruments with a trusted reputation for making, repairing, restorations and sales of Double Bass, Violins, Violas and Cellos. I cannot recommend them, and specialist Ben Puglisi, highly enough.
For more details or enquiries, please see Atelier Puglisi's website at http://www.atelierpuglisi.com, look them up on Facebook or visit their Melbourne store at 40 Church Street, Hawthorn, VIC, 3122.
My bow is made by Archetier Philip Smith in Hobart, Tasmania where I was born. Made in 2017, It is a German style Double Bass bow made from snakewood, ebony, mother of pearl and stirling silver.
Please visit http://www.atelierphilipsmith.com for further enquiries.
Currently I'm using Evah Pirazzi strings, Samuel Kolstein rosin and - when possible - a Remic D5400 microphone (or a Realist pickup when the venue is too noisy).